
У домаНовиниНорвежки клиент посещава TOPS Precision, за да обсъди сътрудничество за нови енергийни ламаринени части

Норвежки клиент посещава TOPS Precision, за да обсъди сътрудничество за нови енергийни ламаринени части

spraying gun

Днес, TOPS Precision посрещна клиент от Норвегия. This client specializes in the new energy sector and requires us to provide sheet metal parts.

After touring our production facilities and quality control processes, the client expressed high satisfaction with our production capabilities and quality management system. They were impressed by our sheet metal processing techniques, precision equipment, and professional team.

This visit not only enhanced mutual understanding but also laid a solid foundation for future cooperation. The client was very pleased with our technical expertise and production capabilities, expressing a desire to expedite the collaboration project.

TOPS Precision is dedicated to providing high-quality precision component solutions to meet the demands of the new energy industry.


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