
CasaBlogPerché scegliere il servizio di lavorazione CNC personalizzato?

Perché scegliere il servizio di lavorazione CNC personalizzato?

Custom CNC Machining Service

Quando si tratta di precisione e qualità, si distingue il servizio di lavorazione CNC personalizzato. It offers full autonomy in the management of design and allows you to understand whether each component corresponds to the required parameters or not.

Selecting a custom CNC service is the way to go if you want to get the most creative concepts realized as accurately as possible. Inoltre, CNC machining offers the benefits of fast prototyping and therefore you will be in a position to cut down on the cost, and time; it takes to produce your products. It’s an investment in efficiency, qualità, and customization, making it the go-to choice for industries across the board. Let’s discuss in more detail why chose a custom CNC machining service.

Types of Custom Machining Services

Let’s take a look at common types of custom machining services.

1. Fresatura CNC

Fresatura CNC employs sharp cutting tools. These tools revolve around the workpiece to create a desired shape by cutting out material. Mostly milling machines work on different axes, maybe 3, 4, O 5 axes to produce shapes, tasche, and holes(contorni).

Inoltre, milling is precise and accurate. Perciò, industries that deal with components with tight tolerances, such as aerospace and medical industries are the right sectors to apply this technique. In addition to its ingenuity, it can accommodate metals and plastics. Ecco perché, it’s the optimal option for both large runs and prototype parts production.

2. Tornitura CNC

In Tornitura CNC, the workpiece revolves on its axis while a turned tool is fed against it. The process is especially suited for making cylindrical parts such as shafts, perni, ecc., free from any surface roughness, and comprising accurately defined dimensions.

Inoltre, it allows other related operations like threading, perforazione, and grooving. Perciò. CNC turning is widely applicable in automotive, aerospaziale, and industrial industries requesting high precision and consistency in parts.

3. Foratura CNC

CNC drilling is characterized by high precision and depth uniformity of drilled holes. It employs rotating drill bits operated through a CNC program that helps in the right positioning and hole sizing.

Drilling is useful for making holes in difficult-to-machine materials such as titanio or hardened steel. Inoltre, drilling allows extra functions like toccando, counter boring, and reaming. All these options are optimum for creating intricate holes for circuits required in electronics and car production.

4. Elettroerosione (Lavorazione ad elettroerosione)

CNC EDM cuts metals through the application of electrical discharges. It applies only to conductive workpieces. Di conseguenza, the technique suits materials such as tungsten or carbide. These materials are generally rigid and challenging to work using conventional techniques.

Inoltre, EDM is vital for the accurate positioning, and manufacturing of sophisticated shapes, recessed planes, and acute angles. It has close tolerances and finds applications in molding, aircraft manufacturing, and medical sectors, all of which require more complex shapes and high strength.

5. CNC Surface Grinding

CNC Surface Grinding involves a wheel that rotates to shave material off. It guarantees a flat and smooth plane. Grinding is mostly used in tooling, settore automobilistico, and aerospace industries where components require flatness and surface finish in the neighborhood of micrometers. Finished products that need small and accurate dimensions and perfect surface finishes are well dealt with by CNC surface grinding.

Advantages of Custom Machining

Here are some unique benefits of custom CNC machining

1. Better Precision Standard/Tolerance

CNC-turned parts offer a tolerance of up to one-thousandth of an inch. Oltretutto, it provides satisfactory dimensional stability for the shapes and required sizes. Generalmente, a small deviation in tolerance can drastically change the performance and the safety of the equipment.

2. Design flexibility and Customization

CNC machining services allow for full control over the product design, as the customer desires. No limitations to conventional geometries and dimensions are possible which leads to the creation of intricate features, cross-sectional forms, and certain types of helix. Particolarmente, such pliability is useful for developing complicated parts and components.

3. Diverse Material Options

Custom CNC machining gives you multiple choices on the alloy type, composito, and plastic to use. For the strength-to-weight ratio, you can use titanium. Oltretutto, for lightweightness, e resistenza all'usura, aluminum and plastics are good options respectively.

4. Cost-Effective for Low-Volume Production

Custom CNC machining is often used where small lots of products are needed. Unlike the standard approaches where molds are used in CNC machining and tend to incur a higher price, their non-use contributes to low initial investment.

Ideal Materials for Custom Machining Service

Here’s a table with the ideal materials for custom machining, along with the appropriate machining techniques and their key features:

Materiale Machining Technique Caratteristiche chiave
Alluminio Fresatura CNC, Tornitura CNC, Perforazione Leggero, resistente alla corrosione, facile da lavorare, conveniente
Acciaio inossidabile Fresatura CNC, Tornitura CNC, Rettifica Forte, durevole, resistente alla corrosione, requires high cutting forces
Titanio Fresatura CNC, Tornitura CNC, Elettroerosione Elevato rapporto resistenza/peso, heat resistant, tough to machine
Ottone Fresatura CNC, Tornitura CNC Ottima lavorabilità, resistente alla corrosione, low friction properties
Acciaio al carbonio Fresatura CNC, Tornitura CNC, Rettifica Forte, resistente all'usura, tough, used in heavy-duty applications
Rame Fresatura CNC, Tornitura CNC Eccellente conduttività elettrica, resistente alla corrosione, soft material
Acrilico (PMMA) Fresatura CNC, Taglio laser Trasparente, leggero, facile da lavorare, excellent surface finish
Plastica (Nylon, Delrin) Fresatura CNC, Tornitura CNC, Perforazione Bassa frizione, resistente all'usura, leggero, facile da lavorare, resistente agli agenti chimici
Acciaio per utensili Fresatura CNC, Tornitura CNC, Rettifica Elevata durezza, resistente all'usura, tough, ideal for making cutting tools and dies
Inconel Fresatura CNC, Tornitura CNC, Elettroerosione Resistenza alle alte temperature, strength in extreme environments, hard to machine
Leghe di alluminio (7075, 6061) Fresatura CNC, Tornitura CNC, Perforazione Molta forza, leggero, excellent for aerospace and military applications
Acciaio temprato Fresatura CNC, Tornitura CNC, Elettroerosione, Rettifica Molta forza, resistente all'usura, tough, requires specialized tools for machining.

Industries Requiring Custom CNC Machining Services

  • Aerospaziale
  • Settore automobilistico
  • Produzione di dispositivi medici
  • Difesa e militare
  • Elettronica
  • Energia e produzione di energia
  • Robotics and Automation
  • Marine and Shipbuilding
  • Petrolio e gas
  • Consumer Goods and Appliances
  • Tooling and Mold Making
  • Heavy Machinery and Equipment
  • Equipaggiamento industriale
  • Produzione additiva (Prototipazione)
  • Construction and Building Materials

Why Work with Tops Precision For Custom CNC Machining Services?

Massima precisione offers a wide range of custom CNC machining services, Compreso 3-asse, 4-asse, and 5-axis machining, using state-of-the-art equipment. With over 10 years of experience serving global clients, we guarantee rapid turnaround times—often within one day—and maintain tight tolerances as small as 0.01mm.

Our team is highly professional, specializing in a variety of industries such as aerospace, automazione, attrezzature mediche, ed elettronica di consumo. We provide solutions for custom parts, and reliability from prototyping to final production.

Whether you’re creating complex engine components or high-precision medical devices, Tops Precision is committed to delivering high-quality results on time, every time.


Macchinatura a vite svizzera CNC
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