4140 steel is one of the most widely used low-alloy steels due to its high strength, 靭性, そして耐摩耗性. From automotive axles to aircraft landing gears, it’s a go-to material in high-performance industries.
This guide covers everything you need to know about 4140 鋼鉄, including its composition, 機械的性質, machining characteristics, and comparisons with other steel types.
What Makes 4140 Steel So Special?
Unlike regular carbon steel, 4140 contains chromium and molybdenum, which:
✅ Increase Strength – Handles heavy loads without deforming.
✅ Improve Toughness – Withstands impact without cracking.
✅ Enhance Wear Resistance – Ideal for 歯車, シャフト, and high-stress parts.
📌 Common Applications of 4140 鋼鉄
✔ 自動車: Drive shafts, 車軸, and suspension parts
✔ 航空宇宙: Landing gears, エンジン部品
✔ 防衛: Firearm barrels, ボルト, military vehicle components
✔ 産業機械: 油圧シリンダ, spindles, 歯車
の製造・加工 4140 合金鋼
製造と加工の完全な手順は次のとおりです。 4140 合金鋼.
1. 熱処理
機械的特性 4140 合金鋼が最も重要な考慮事項です. このほかにも, 適切な組成を得るには熱処理が重要です. 一次熱処理プロセスには以下が含まれます。:
- アニーリング: このプロセスには、鋼を 1550°F ~ 843°C の範囲に加熱し、その後焼き戻すことが含まれます。. アニーリングにより材料の機械加工能力が向上し、材料の内部応力が軽減されます。.
- 焼入れ: の 鋼鉄 1550°Fまで加熱されます (843℃) 水または油中で瞬時に焼き入れされます。. 鋼の相対的な硬度を高めるために鋼を過剰に加工する. しかし、これを行うと靭性が損なわれる可能性があります.
- テンパリング: 焼入れ後, より低い温度に再加熱されます (400~1200°Fまたは204~649°Cの間) そして冷却します. 正規化はテンパリングとも呼ばれます. 靭性を高めながら脆性レベルを最小限に抑える機能があります。.
2. 鍛造と機械加工
鍛造性、被削性が良いため, 4140 鋼はさまざまな部品に適用できます. 鍛造プロセスは高温で鋼を成形するのに役立ちます. シリコンの機械的特性と結晶粒構造を改善します。. 仕上げは、必要な寸法と表面仕上げを得るために使用されます。. このほかにも 機械加工 正確な寸法と良好な表面仕上げの作成に役立ちます.
3. 溶接・接合
溶接も可能です 4140 合金鋼, 通常、材料は予熱して溶接する必要がありますが、. 後で熱処理が必要になる場合があります. 適用される手法の一部 溶接 ガスタングステンアーク溶接を含む (GTAW) および被覆金属アーク溶接 (スマウ).
What Are the Properties of 4140 合金鋼?
財産 | 説明 |
強さ | Excellent strength, capable of handling high stress without deformation or breakage. |
靭性 | High toughness, meaning it absorbs impact without cracking, ideal for heavy-duty applications. |
硬度 | High hardness when heat-treated, suitable for wear-resistant applications such as gears and shafts. |
被削性 | Can be easily machined, especially in its annealed state, which makes it convenient for creating detailed parts. |
耐食性 | Moderate resistance to corrosion, improved by its chromium and molybdenum content. |
Mechanical Properties of 4140 鋼鉄
財産 | 価値 | なぜそれが重要なのか |
抗張力 | 95,000 – 115,000 psi | Withstands high stress before breaking |
降伏強さ | 60,000 – 70,000 psi | Resists deformation under load |
硬度 (HRC) | 22 – 30 (ロックウェル) | Provides excellent wear resistance |
衝撃靱性 | 54 – 61 Joules | Absorbs impact energy, reducing fracture risk |
💡 重要なポイント:
4140 steel is stronger than 1045 鋼鉄 そして tougher than 4130 鋼鉄, それを作る a perfect choice for high-load components.
の化学組成 4140 合金鋼
The chemical makeup of 4140 鋼鉄 is what gives it its unique properties.
要素 | 構成 (%) | 目的 |
炭素 (C) | 0.38 – 0.43 | Adds hardness and strength |
クロム (Cr) | 0.80 – 1.10 | Increases 耐摩耗性 |
モリブデン (モー) | 0.15 – 0.25 | Boosts 靭性 & 耐熱性 |
マンガン (ん) | 0.75 – 1.00 | Helps hardenability |
ケイ素 (そして) | 0.15 – 0.30 | Improves 強さ & oxidation resistance |
🔎 Did You Know?
の chromium content で 4140 helps improve 耐食性, but it still needs coatings for long-term outdoor use.
Machinability Rating of 4140 合金鋼
側面 | 詳細 |
Machinability Rating | 65% 被削性 (compared to 1212 鋼鉄), meaning it is moderately easy to machine but requires more effort than highly machinable steels. |
熱処理 | アニーリング improves machinability by reducing hardness and stress, making 4140 easier to machine. |
Tools Required | ハイス鋼 (HSS) または carbide tools are recommended for machining 4140 due to its strength and hardness. |
Cutting Speeds | – HSS tools: 70-110 surface feet per minute (SFM) – Carbide tools: 150-250 SFM |
Coolants and Lubricants | Essential for maintaining low temperatures and preventing excessive wear on tools during the machining process. |
Cutting Depth & 送り速度 | Moderate depths of cut and feed rates are ideal to prevent tool wear, chatter, and poor finishes. |
Work Hardening | 4140 can work-harden during machining, making it tougher as it’s cut. Using the right speed and technique can minimize work-hardening effects. |
代表的なアプリケーション | 自動車部品 (クランクシャフト, 歯車, 車軸), aerospace parts (着陸装置, エンジン部品), heavy machinery parts (シャフト, spindles, 歯車). |
Common Forms of 4140 合金鋼
4140 alloy steel is available in a variety of forms, each suited for different manufacturing and machining processes. Below are the most common forms:
4140 steel is available in sheet form, 通常は次の間で 1 に 10 mm thick. It is often used when customers require flat, precision-cut parts made from the alloy.
Bars of 4140 steel are available in various cross-sections, including round, 四角, and flat shapes. Bar sizes can range from 6 mmから 120 mm in diameter, making it a preferred choice for CNC machining applications.
4140 alloy steel can also be found in plate form, with thicknesses ranging from 20 mmから 120 んん, and sometimes even up to 300 んん. These plates can be heat-treated, polished, or coated depending on the application.
Hot Rolled vs Cold Drawn:
- Hot Rolled: Typically used for larger parts, hot-rolled 4140 alloy steel is treated through hot working, which shapes the steel at high temperatures. It is less strong than cold-rolled types but ideal for general applications.
- Cold Drawn: Cold-drawn 4140 steel bars are produced through a process that strengthens the steel and refines its shape, improving its machinability.
4140 Alloy Steel Equivalents
4140 alloy steel is known by different names in different countries, and each has its own national standard. Below are some international equivalents:
Country Standard | Equivalent Grade |
中国 GB/T 3077 | 42CrMo |
ドイツ から 17200 | 1.7225/42crmo4 |
Great Britain BS 970 | 42CrMo4 |
日本 HE G4105 | SCM440 |
USA ASTM A29 | 4140 |
4140 Alloy Steel—Advantages and Disadvantages
- 高強度: 4140 alloy steel offers exceptional tensile, fatigue, and torsional strength, making it ideal for heavy-duty applications.
- 耐摩耗性: Its chromium and molybdenum content provide enhanced wear and corrosion resistance.
- Heat Treatable: It can be heat-treated to further enhance its strength and hardness.
- 被削性: It has a machinability rating of 65%, making it easier to machine than many other high-strength alloys.
- Difficult to Weld: The welding of 4140 steel is challenging due to its carbon content. Proper preheating and post-welding heat treatment are required to avoid cracks and ensure a durable weld.
- Requires Heat Treatment: Without the right heat treatment, 4140 can be less effective in certain applications.
How to Check the Quality of a 4140 Alloy Steel Plate?
Ensuring the quality of a 4140 alloy steel plate is crucial for its performance and longevity in various applications. Whether you’re using steel in automotive, 航空宇宙, or heavy-duty machinery, it’s essential that the material meets the required standards and performs as expected under stress. それで, how can you check the quality of 4140 steel before it’s used in your project?
Tensile Testing
Tensile testing is one of the most reliable ways to evaluate the strength and ductility of 4140 鋼鉄. In this test, a sample of the steel is stretched until it breaks, and the amount of force it can withstand before failure is measured.
- A sample of the steel is shaped into a “dog-bone” form to ensure uniform stretching.
- The specimen is pulled under a controlled force until it stretches and eventually breaks.
- The strength and ductility of the steel are measured by recording the 降伏強さ(the point at which it starts to deform) そして 極限引張強さ (the maximum stress it can withstand before breaking).
Why It’s Important:
- Tensile testing provides crucial information on how the steel will perform under tension and stress.
- のために 4140 鋼鉄, typical 降伏強さ からの範囲 415 MPa, と 抗張力 間 850-1000 MPa.
Tensile Testing Example:
- Industry Application: Aerospace components that need to withstand high forces without failure, ensuring the material’s ability to maintain integrity under extreme conditions.
Hardness Testing
Hardness testing helps determine the material’s resistance to surface deformation, giving a good indication of its wear resistance. It’s a quick and non-destructive way to assess the material’s ability to endure abrasion and impact.
- の ロックウェル そして ブリネル methods are commonly used for hardness testing.
- で Rockwell test, a diamond cone is pressed into the material under a specific load, and the depth of the indentation is measured.
- の Brinell test uses a larger steel ball pressed into the material, measuring the size of the indentation.
Why It’s Important:
- Harder steel generally offers better resistance to wear and tear, making it suitable for high-stress applications such as gears and shafts.
- 4140 steel typically falls between 22 に 30 HRCin Rockwell hardness, depending on heat treatment.
Hardness Testing Example:
- Industry Application: 自動車業界で, parts like crankshafts or gears made from 4140 steel need to have a high level of hardness to withstand wear from continuous rotation.
Fatigue Testing
Fatigue testing evaluates how well the material can withstand repeated or cyclic loads over time. This test is particularly important for components that will be subjected to constant movement, such as drive shafts or gears.
- A sample is subjected to a series of loading and unloading cycles, usually at different levels of stress, until it fails.
- The number of cycles the steel can endure before failure is counted, そして fatigue limit(the stress level below which the material can endure an infinite number of cycles without failing) is determined.
Why It’s Important:
- Fatigue testing reveals how long the material can last under conditions where it experiences fluctuating stresses.
- 4140 steel is known for its fatigue strength, with a typical fatigue strength of about 310 MPa at 10^7 cycles, making it ideal for high-stress, cyclic environments.
Fatigue Testing Example:
- Industry Application: 航空宇宙分野, parts such as turbine blades and landing gears are subject to cyclic loads during every flight, so knowing the fatigue strength of the steel used is critical for safety.
Impact Testing
Impact testing assesses the toughness of a material, or its ability to absorb energy during sudden shocks or impacts. It’s particularly relevant for parts that might be exposed to sudden forces, like heavy machinery components or vehicle parts.
- の Charpy V-notch test is commonly used for impact testing. A notched sample is struck with a hammer, and the energy absorbed by the material is measured.
- The size of the notch determines how much impact the steel can handle before cracking or breaking.
Why It’s Important:
- Impact testing helps determine how well 4140 steel will perform in dynamic and high-impact environments.
- のために 4140 鋼鉄, a typical impact value is between 54-61 J 室温で, ensuring it can handle sudden, high-force impacts without breaking.
Impact Testing Example:
- Industry Application: For construction machinery, such as excavators or bulldozers, that often experience shocks and high-impact forces, impact testing ensures the material can withstand harsh conditions.
Surface Quality and Visual Inspection
While testing the mechanical properties is crucial, the overall surface quality of the 4140 steel plate is also an important factor. Any surface imperfections such as cracks, 穴あき, or scale can negatively affect the steel’s performance.
- Visual inspection involves examining the steel for any surface imperfections.
- Non-destructive testing (NDT) methods like 超音波検査 または magnetic particle inspection can be used to detect internal flaws or surface cracks that are not visible to the naked eye.
Why It’s Important:
- Even minor surface defects can affect the integrity of a part, especially under high-stress conditions.
- A smooth, defect-free surface ensures better performance, especially for parts that need to be heat-treated or machined further.
Surface Quality Inspection Example:
- Industry Application: 航空宇宙産業では, any small defect in the steel used for critical components like landing gear could have serious consequences. Visual inspection and NDT are essential in ensuring safety.
Here’s a detailed, user-friendly, and clear comparison of the three steel types: 4140 合金鋼, 8620 鋼鉄, 1045 鋼鉄, そして 4130 鋼鉄. The information is presented in tables for easy understanding.
区別する 4140 合金鋼 4340 そして 1045 鋼鉄
それで, ここに詳細な比較表があります 4140 合金鋼と 4340 そして 1045 鋼鉄.
財産 | 4140 合金鋼 | 4340 合金鋼 | 1045 炭素鋼 |
構成 | クロム, モリブデン | クロム, モリブデン, ニッケル | 炭素 |
硬度 | 中~高 (28-32 HRC) | 高い (40-45 HRC) | 中くらい (12-17 HRC) |
抗張力 | まで 100 クシ | まで 120 クシ | まで 80 クシ |
降伏強さ | 70-90 クシ | 90-100 クシ | 45-50 クシ |
衝撃靱性 | 良い | とても良い | 適度 |
耐摩耗性 | 良い | 素晴らしい | 適度 |
被削性 | 適度 | 適度 | 良い |
溶接性 | 適度 (前後処理が必要) | 適度 (前後処理が必要) | 良い |
料金 | 適度 | 高い | 低い |
代表的なアプリケーション | 自動車部品, 機械部品 | 航空宇宙部品, 高応力部品 | 一般機械, 構造部品 |
4140 alloy steel is one of the most reliable and versatile materials available, offering excellent strength, 靭性, そして耐摩耗性. It is used across many industries that require durable and high-performance components, 航空宇宙を含む, 自動車, 軍隊, そして建設. The alloy’s ability to withstand high stress and strain makes it an ideal choice for rotating components like gears and drive shafts, as well as load-bearing components like bolts and chains.
In addition to its superior mechanical properties, 4140 alloy steel is cost-effective and available in various forms such as bars, sheets, and plates. Whether you’re looking for precision-machined parts or high-strength industrial components, 4140 steel offers unmatched performance for a wide range of applications.
Q1. 溶接は可能ですか 4140 合金鋼?
はい, の接合部を鍛造することが可能です 4140 鋼鉄. 溶接する部品の厚さによって異なります. 厚い部分の場合は、健全な溶接を得るために予熱および溶接後の熱処理を行う必要があります.
第2四半期. どれくらい大変ですか 4140 合金鋼?
通常、その硬さは次のとおりです。 28-32 熱処理後のHRC. しかし, この硬度は、特定の微細な熱処理手順に応じて熱処理可能です。.
Q3. 間の関係は何ですか 4140 に 1045 炭素鋼?
と比較して 1045 炭素鋼; 4140 合金鋼はより優れた機械的特性を持っています。. より高い強度, 硬度, そして耐摩耗性. ただし加工が難しく、少々高価です.
Q4. は 4140 合金鋼自己腐食性?
4140 合金鋼は適度な耐食性を持っています. しかし, これは、腐食性の高い環境では保護コーティングまたは保護処理が必要であることを意味します。.
お問い合わせ 詳細については.
1 「」について考えました完全ガイド 4140 合金鋼. その構成, 特性と用途”