
MaisonBlogConnaître les faits sur la densité du magnésium

Connaître les faits sur la densité du magnésium

Knowing Facts about the Density of Magnesium

Dans cet article, we will explore the facts about the density of magnesium. Donc, let’s go deeper into the discussion.

What Is The Density of Magnesium in g/cm³?

Magnesium has a density of approx – 1.738 g/cm 3. It is relatively low, making magnesium one of the lightest structural metals, which is greatly desired in most applications.

Other Common Units for Magnesium Density

  1. Kilogrammes par mètre cube (kg/m³): 1,738 kg/m³
  2. Livres par pouce cube (lb/po³): 0.0631 lb/po³
  3. Pounds per cubic foot (lb/pi³): 108.2 lb/pi³
  4. Tonnes par mètre cube (t/m³): 1.738 t/m³

How Magnesium’s Atomic Mass Affects Its Material Density?

The atomic weight of magnesium comes to a total value of 24.305 g/mole. En général, the density of an Mg depends on the atomic weight and inter-atomic distance in the crystal lattice. Magnesium weighs less than metals like iron or aluminium because its atoms have a smaller atomic weight. En plus, magnesium atoms are not as heavy as those of iron or aluminum.

The lower density of magnesium is sought where weight reduction is of value. Par exemple, in aerospace and automotive applications. Néanmoins, the periodic table and atomic structure of magnesium also dictate that the Mg density is proportional to the atomic packing density.

Making Magnesium: Un aperçu

Magnesium is typically produced through two main processes: Electrolytic reduction and thermal reduction. It involves the Baxter process of extracting the magnesium from its ores, either magnesite or dolomite and then purifying the metal.

Electrolytic Reduction

Dans cette méthode, an electric current is applied to the purified molten magnesium chloride (MgCl₂), derived from seawater or natural resources. Electrolytic reduction is a high-energy consumption process, but the most frequently used technique in the industrial preparation of high-purity magnesium.

Thermal Reduction

Magnesium oxide is usually obtained from magnesium ores. It is melted at high temperatures. A reducing agent like silicon or carbon is added. This process produces magnesium metal. Compared to the electrolytic reduction method, it is a less energy-demanding process but produces fewer purities.

Sources of Magnesium Ore

The chief source of magnesium is obtained from magnesite (MgCO₃) and dolomite (CaMg(CO₃)). These ores are readily available and the extraction styles differ according to the nature of the ore and the grade of the end metal product required.

Refining and Purification

Magnesium after extraction is purified to remove elements, such as iron, calcium, et du silicium. The purity can be achieved through distillation or vacuum distillation.

Magnesium’s Physical Properties

Magnesium is an alkaline earth metal. It comprises several dominant properties, making it ideal for other metals.


The density of magnesium is about 1.738 g/cm 3, which allows it to be one of the lightest structural metals. That is why it is utilized in applications where the reduction of weight is central.

Point de fusion

Magnesium has a low melting point of 650°C (1,202°F) in comparison with the other metals which makes it easy to work and cast but not suitable for high-temperature applications.

Point d'ébullition

The boiling point of magnesium is 1,090°C. Donc, the material remains at a relatively high temperature and is suitable for particular uses.

Conductivité thermique

Magnesium is a good conductor of heat with a thermal conductivity of 156 W/m-k, making it ideal for heat-sensitive parts in electronics and automotive uses.

Conductivité électrique

Magnesium is rated low conductivity compared to metals like copper.

Module d'élasticité

The modulus of elasticity of magnesium is about 45 GPa. Donc, the material is quite rigid but symptomatic to other metals such as aluminum or stellar steel.

Color and Appearance

Magnesium is usually a bright light-weight metallic together with a shiny lustrous appearance when machined. Cependant, it can rust rather fast when exposed to air, and thus, its surface turns into a gray-colored oxide layer.


Magnesium is a highly reactive metal at high temperatures. It usually burns in the air producing a bright white flame, making it suitable for use in pyrotechnics.

Magnesium’s Chemical Properties – Key Values

Propriété Valeur
Numéro atomique 12
Masse atomique 24.305 g/mole
Electronegativity 1.31 (Pauline scale)
Oxidation State +2 (commonly forms Mg²⁺ ions)
Reaction with Water (Cold) Reacts slowly, forming magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)) and hydrogen gas (H₂)
Reaction with Water (Hot) Reacts faster, producing magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen gas
Reaction with Oxygen Forms magnesium oxide (MgO) à des températures élevées (2Mg + O₂ → 2MgO)
Reaction with Acids Reacts with hydrochloric acid (HCl), forming magnesium chloride (MgCl₂) and hydrogen gas (H₂)
Reaction with Carbon Forms magnesium carbide (MgC₂) à des températures élevées (Mg + C → MgC₂)
Résistance à la corrosion Modéré; forms a protective oxide layer in dry air, but corrodes easily in moist or saline environments
Formation of Magnesium Hydroxide Forms magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)) when exposed to water or alkaline solutions, slightly soluble in water

Magnesium – Benefits vs. Limites

Avantages Limites
Magnesium is the lightest structural metal, offering a weight advantage of about 30% over aluminum and 50% over titanium. Highly flammable, especially in pure form, though this is less of a concern when in bulk as opposed to powder or shavings.
Cost-effective and abundant, making it easy to source for manufacturing. Corrosion-prone without protective alloys, more susceptible than metals like aluminum or stainless steel.
Offers impressive strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios. Complex processing compared to other metals, requires specialized techniques.
Excellent thermal conductivity, useful in heat-sensitive applications like electronics and automotive parts. Some alloys are brittle, particularly in low-temperature conditions.
Ideal for electromagnetic shielding, commonly used in aerospace and electronics. Le energy-intensive extraction processus, despite being widely available.
Requires minimal energy to recycle, making it an eco-friendly option. Production costs can be higher compared to other metals like aluminum and steel due to process complexity.
Has the highest damping capacity among structural metals, ideal for vibration-sensitive applications. Le low melting point makes it unsuitable for high-temperature applications.
Easily alloyed with other metals and elements to enhance properties. Certain alloys can be brittle at low temperatures, limiting their use in some high-stress applications.
Some magnesium alloys are biocompatible, and suitable for medical implants and devices. It can be prone to galvanic corrosion when used in combination with other metals in electrolytic environments.

Magnésium: Applications courantes

Some common applications of magnesium include:


Fireworks and flares use magnesium because it burns with a bright, white flame. Donc, it is a useful material for developing vivid effects in pyrotechnical productions.


The lightweight and yet strong character of magnesium makes it ideal for use in high-end luggage products. Most of the superior quality suitcase manufacturers employ magnesium alloys to design strong and lightweight frames.

Sports and Recreation Equipment

Magnesium alloys are used in equipment for special activities such as tennis, golf, and cycling since they are lightweight and strong. Its strength-to-weight ratio guarantees toughness and functionality with the least manageable weight.


For lightweight and robust construction, professional-level digital cameras usually incorporate magnesium alloy. This makes the camera easier to carry. De plus, It also gives the camera a strong body.

Power Tools

This is used in the making of power tools because it is light and has a good shock-absorbing capacity. It also decreases vibration and therefore tools are easy to handle without causing fatigue and their effectiveness increases with time.

Car Seats

Par exemple, magnesium is used in sports car seats because such car seats must be strong as well as lightweight. The material also has high strength, which lets manufacturers make tough seat frames without bogging down a car with weight.

Ordinateurs portables

Magnesium alloy as of late is usually integrated into the casing of high-end laptops to deliver durability and lightness. Aussi, it’s useful for cooling gadgets and safeguarding interior parts.


Magnesium is the lightest of the structural metals. This is a big advantage in areas where weight is important. An adequate understanding of the density of magnesium is crucial in the fields of engineering and manufacturing to maximize its use in industries. Contactez-nous pour plus d'informations.



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