
HogarBlogFresado de roscas vs.. tocando: Elegir la técnica adecuada

Fresado de roscas vs.. tocando: Elegir la técnica adecuada


Imagínate esto: You’ve got a critical deadline looming, la pieza perfecta en tus manos, and all that’s left is creating those internal threads. But wait, should you tap or thread mill? The choice feels like a gamble with time and resources on the line.

Don’t sweat it – we’ll untangle the mystery of thread milling vs. tocando. Here’s the lowdown on what you’ll learn:

  • The Basics:Get a quick rundown of tapping and thread milling.
  • Pros and Cons:Uncover the strengths and weaknesses of each technique.
  • Decision Time:Learn how to pick the right method for your project.
  • Key Factors:We’ll arm you with what to consider before you start threading.

So let’s get started.

What Is Tapping?

tocando is a time-tested technique for creating internal threads. Think of it like using a specialized screw to carve out a matching groove in your workpiece. A tap is a cylindrical cutting tool with spiral flutes that channel away material as it rotates. These flutes also help maintain lubrication and prevent overheating during the tapping process.

Tapping in action: A step-by-step breakdown

  1. Drilling the pilot hole:The first step is to create a pilot hole using a drill bit with a diameter slightly smaller than the desired final thread size. This pilot hole ensures the tap stays centered and cuts clean threads.
  2. Tapping it out:Asegure el grifo en su portabrocas y aplique un lubricante o aceite de corte para reducir la fricción y mejorar el flujo de virutas.. Guíe suavemente el grifo directamente hacia el orificio piloto., aplicando una ligera presión cuando comienza a cortar. Es fundamental mantener una alineación escuadrada para evitar que el grifo se rompa..
  3. retroceder:Una vez que haya alcanzado la profundidad deseada, Invierta la dirección del golpeteo para romper las virutas de metal y lentamente saque el grifo del orificio.. Los golpecitos a menudo crean pequeñas virutas de metal que pueden quedar atrapadas en las roscas.. Invertir el grifo ayuda a eliminar estas virutas y evita que dañen las roscas o emboten la herramienta de corte..

La versatilidad del tapping: El tapping brilla por su capacidad para crear roscas internas en una amplia gama de materiales, from soft metals like aluminum to tougher steels. También, different tap designs allow you to create various thread forms, like the common V-shaped threads or the more specialized square threads.

tocando: Los pros y los contras

Let’s break down the good and the not-so-good of tapping:


  • Speed demon:For the right applications, tapping can be incredibly fast, especially in smaller holes.
  • Simple setup:Tapping requires minimal preparation and can be integrated easily into most machining setups.
  • Wide range of thread sizes:You’ve got lots of options, as various tap sizes exist to create different thread diameters and pitches.


  • Tap breakage:Taps can be brittle, and breaking one inside a workpiece can be a real headache.
  • Limited materials:Tapping gets tougher in hard materials like steel. You might need specialized (and more expensive) taps for optimal results.
  • One tool per size:Need a different thread size? That means a completely new tap, eating up your tool inventory.

When Tapping Shines

Tapping is a great choice when you need quick, relatively inexpensive internal threads in softer materials, especially for smaller hole sizes.

What Is Thread Milling?

Think of thread milling as a sculptor for metal. Instead of a tap carving out threads in a single pass, a thread mill uses a small, rotating tool to gradually mill away material. This technique uses a specialized tool – a thread mill – that features a cutting profile matched to the desired thread shape.

Thread milling in motion: A visual walkthrough

  1. Drill that hole:Like tapping, you’ll start with a pilot hole. But the hole diameter for thread milling is usually slightly larger than when tapping.
  2. Helical magic:The thread mill spins at high speeds and is guided in a precise, spiraling path inside the hole, gradually “carving” the threads into the workpiece. This helical motion creates the thread profile along with the desired pitch.
  3. Software control:Thread milling requires CNC (computer numerical control) technology. Modern CNC machines handle the complex movements needed for smooth and accurate thread creation.

Thread milling’s flexibility: Not only does thread milling open up thread creation in tougher materials, but it also handles larger holes with ease. Más, a single thread mill can create different thread sizes and pitches with just a change in programming.

Fresado de roscas: Los pros y los contras

Let’s weigh the strengths and weaknesses of thread milling:


  • Material mastery:Thread milling is a champ when dealing with tough materials like hardened steel and even exotic alloys.
  • Larger holes, no problem:Thread milling breezes through creating threads in larger diameter holes.
  • One tool does it all:A single thread mill can tackle a range of thread sizes and pitches – just adjust the CNC program.
  • Smooth finish:The gradual material removal process often results in cleaner, smoother threads than tapping.


  • Higher cost:Thread milling usually involves more expensive tooling and requires a CNC machine.
  • Slower setup:Programming and setup for thread milling typically take a little longer than the straightforward process of tapping.
  • Chip control:Thread milling generates more metal chips than tapping, requiring good chip-management strategies.

When Thread Milling Is The Way

Thread milling is ideal for complex parts, hard materials, large-diameter threads, and when you need flexibility in the thread sizes you create.

When to Choose Which?

The tap vs. thread mill decision isn’t always clear-cut. Here’s a breakdown to help you make the right call:

Tap It If…

  • Speed is crucial:You need to create threads quickly, especially in smaller holes and softer materials.
  • Project is simple:You’re only dealing with standard thread sizes and common materials.
  • Budget is a concern:You’re focused on keeping costs down.

Thread Mill It If…

  • Precision is key:You need threads with exceptional accuracy, finalizar, and tight tolerances.
  • Material is tough:You’re working with hardened steel, titanio, or other challenging materials.
  • Larger holes are involved:Your project calls for internal threads in holes with larger diameters.
  • Flexibility is a must:You need to produce a variety of thread sizes and pitches.

Factors to Consider

Here are a few more things to ponder when choosing between tapping and thread milling:

  • Hole type:Is it a through-hole, or does it end blindly? Thread milling is preferred for blind holes.
  • Part size:How big is the workpiece? Larger parts might be easier to manage with thread milling.
  • Production volume:How many threaded parts do you need to make? Tapping usually wins out with high volumes.
  • Skill and experience:Do you have the necessary setup and programming skills for thread milling?

Consejo profesional: In many cases, a combination of tapping and thread milling might be the most efficient solution, allowing you to leverage the strengths of each.

Got Threads? You’ve Got Choices

You’ve conquered the basics of tapping and thread milling, and you’re ready to make those threaded masterpieces. Recapitulemos las conclusiones para que puedas abordar tus proyectos como un profesional experimentado.:

  • Los grifos son para velocidad.:Configuraciones simples y agujeros más pequeños en materiales más blandos.
  • Thread Millers gobierna las cosas difíciles:Materiales endurecidos y agujeros más grandes.
  • La flexibilidad es el rey:Los molinos de hilo le brindan espacio para cambiar los tamaños de hilo fácilmente
  • Hay una herramienta para cada trabajo:Considere todos los factores antes de elegir

Comprender los pros y los contras del roscado y fresado de roscas le sitúa en el asiento del conductor. Ya sea que esté roscando un simple agujero o roscando la pieza más compleja, la elección está en tus manos. Contáctenos para más información.


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